Thursday, April 10, 2008

Talking to your Dog "Tip#3"

Today I want to teach you the Best and ONLY way, you should ever talk to your little guy, if you truly want to communicate with him. Are you ready? This is so simple your going to wonder, "How come I didn't think of that". Here it is, are you sitting down, are you becoming breathless with anticipation, Huh?
Talk to him, just like you would talk to a baby. That's right , a Baby. Because they are just like little babies, your dog understands you by reading your body language. But more importantly the way you say things, and the way you act.
You have the ability to make them happy, sad, calm, or excited just by the way we act with them. When we try to communicate with a baby, we usually get very excited,and in turn, the baby starts laughing and becoming happier if she was sad or crying. This is the exact same way we must talk to dogs if we want to have any success at all in being able to communicate at all with them.
So try it today, try talking to your dog by letting your emotions come through your words.

Lick's- n-Kisses The Spirit Dog

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dog Training "Tip number two"

Don't get angry!
Don't get angry when Fido chews up the brand new

pet bed you bought him. Every new thing you buy ,
is , in his eyes a new toy. So don't get mad when he

chews his stuff up.
After all it is his stuff , not yours.
So, if he doesn't mind, you shouldn't mind.

Licks and kisses The Spirit Dog

Dog Training "Tip number one"

Help your little puppy or dog, have more fun today.
Spend a little extra quality time with Fido.
Buy a new dog toy, or different pet treats.
Hug your dog some more, touch him some more,
talk to him like he's a little baby.
If you do these simple little things,
you will see the absolute joy in his eye's.

Have fun with your special pet today; The Spirit Dog